in literature from Yale), but even at the age of 5 he could see that this movie was truly something special. He has become something of an expert on artistic values (Ph.D. Every time he comes home now, we watch it together, and marvel at its perfection. He immediately agreed with me on its greatness. Jeff forgave me for not waking him up - but not before we went back the very next day.

80s Vintage Hoosiers 1986 HBO Video movie basketball jersey T-Shirt - XS X-SMALL. It is a magnificent artistic achievement, quintessentially American and an inspiration to everyone who sees it. Check out our hoosiers movie selection for the very best in unique or. It incorporates all that is unique and good in American culture, and does it better than any other film has ever done. In fact, it has legitimate claim as the best American movie ever. It was the best sports movie I had seen up until that time, and it still is. I didn't have the heart to wake him up, since I knew we could come back again - and by the time the movie was over, I knew that I would indeed be seeing it again.and again, because it was plainly one of the all-time greats. He had apparently gotten so excited over the prospect of seeing the movie that exhaustion overcame him, as it will with children. Just as the title credits started to roll, with Gene Hackman driving through the early autumn Indiana countryside toward his date with Destiny, Jeff laid his head on my shoulder and promptly went to sleep - and slept throughout the entire film. So, I relented, took that Friday afternoon off, and we went to the theater for the first showing. He had read about it and seen the trailer on TV, and wouldn't take "no" for an answer. When this film came out in 1986, my 5-year-old son Jeff was absolutely determined to see it - and on the first day of release, at that.